LVM Quick Reference
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Resizing a volume:
If volume is NFS exported -- /etc/init.d/nfs stop Unmount the logical volume -- umount /dev/lvm_vol/lvolx Resize with -- e2fsadm -L [+]size[KMGT] /dev/lvm_vol/lvolx Remount all volumes -- mount -a If volume is NFS exported -- /etc/init.d/nfs start
Adding a new volume:
Create a logical volume -- lvcreate -L 1G -n lvol9 lvm_vol Format as ext2 -- mke2fs /dev/lvm_vol/lvol9 Create a mountpoint -- mkdir /mnt/lvol9_mnt Add to /etc/fstab -- vi /etc/fstab (duplicate an existing line, modify) Mount new volume -- mount -a Add to /etc/rsync/rsync.conf -- vi /etc/rsync/rsync.conf (duplicate an existing section, modify) If volume is NFS exported -- /etc/init.d/nfs stop Edit /etc/exports -- vi /etc/exports (add entry) If volume is NFS exported -- /etc/init.d/nfs start